Azad Publishing: Quality books
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Answering your “How To?” Questions
“Karing Ship” is our first Editorial Line, born to answer the fundamental question: “How to?” – whether it is starting a new business, learning to feel better about yourself, losing weight, acquiring new skills, or solving practical problems.
Thanks to the experience gained in almost twenty years of work in the publishing and media world – both traditional and online – by most of its members, our team (together with selected experts, when needed) is able to create high quality manuals and guides, to meet your needs and desires.
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The Karing Ship Team

Halloween Time
It’s Halloween Time! At Azad Publishing, we not only create and publish manuals, but also produce products for School, Recreation and Entertainment. We are therefore pleased to present to you what we are preparing for the Halloween season, collected in the AzArtis Cafe Publishing Line! Coloring Books and Activity Books for both Adults and Children. […]

Grill It The Italian Way
Grill It The Italian Way Grill It The Italian Way – Taste Something Unusual and Make your Neighbors Drool with these Mouthwatering Mediterranean BBQ Recipes. (English Edition) By Alex Amalfi & The Karing Ship Team Would you like to amaze your guests and be the undisputed Master of BBQ? Are you a curious […]
Metaversum – Die Ganze Wahrheit
Metaversum – Die Ganze Wahrheit. Metaversum – Die ganze Wahreit. Der komplette Leitfaden, um alle neuen Technologien kennenzulernen und erfolgreich in Kryptoassets, NFT und Play to Earn zu investieren. (German Edition) Availabe now! The German Edition of this Book Wohin führt uns die Zukunft? Was sind Virtual Reality, Blockchain, De.Fi. und all diese Begriffe, […]
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