Quantum Physics for Beginners according to Ammiocuggino
How to explain, thanks to a compelling story, the laws of Mother Nature and the Universe, even to those who are a Goat in Physics and Mathematics.
(Italian Edition)
And here we are at our first book of the Science Series: Quantum Physics for Beginners according to Ammiocuggino (Fisica Quantistica per Principianti secondo Ammiocuggino). Italian Edition.
The title is (deliberately) provocative and probably only in Italy will they immediately understand its joking and ironic meaning. In fact, the concept of “Ammiocuggino” was coined to refer to those relatives and/or friends who often offer themselves (or are “chosen” to save money) to carry out jobs that usually must be carried out by professionals.
Of course, the alleged saving often ends up becoming a double expense, because “Ammiocuggino” is absolutely unable to complete the intended task and, at that point, the unwary client must resign himself to asking for help from a professional
And it is not always possible to repair the damage: think for example of the photographs of a Wedding … when, invariably, Ammiocuggino on duty manages to miss the salient moments of the ceremony.
Okay, but you readers are surely wondering what this long premise has to do with a book on Quantum Physics?
The fact is that the Publisher, to make this book, really turned to a “cousin” … who, however, happens to be a physics graduate – former researcher in Particle Physics at CERN in Geneva and the Fermilab of Chicago – which is currently involved in scientific publication.
For once, a cousin is truly the expert in the subject matter.
Didn’t we say that we were going to make high quality guides and manuals?
Well, in this case and despite the joking title, our expert Antonio Scalisi will lead you to understand, in the simplest way possible (without the need to solve any Mathematical Equation), the basics of such a complex topic as Quantum Physics.
Thanks to a compelling story, he will then lead us to understand the Secrets and Laws that move the Universe, even if we have no previous knowledge about it.
Through an extensive historical reconstruction he will tell us how quantum theories came to be conceived and above all, he will do so in such a way as to make us understand the “concepts” that are analyzed, described and explained by those theories.
We will also see how the knowledge derived from quantum theories have led to the creation of those objects that (without knowing it) we use every day. E.g. the Smartphone!
Some of the Topics covered in this book:
- How it works and what science studies
- The premises to be able to understand Quantum Physics
- The Discovery of Electromagnetic Waves
- The Wave Theory of Light
- Planck and the Ultraviolet Catastrophe
- The Photoelectric Effect
- Albert Einstein and the Dual Nature of Light
- De Broglie’s Hypothesis
- The Copenhagen Interpretation
- Schrödinger’s Cat
- The Structure of Atoms
- How Electronics Works
- The Entanglement Phenomenon
- Quantum Cryptography
But of course … there is much more!
Another Book with a Very Good Start! Thanks to all the Readers!
Available (with a Free Bonus Inside) on Kindle, Paperback & Hardcover at:
This Post Featured Image: Modified – from Pixabay (Attribution not required)
Quantum Physics for Beginners - English Edition - Azad Publishing
January 2, 2022 @ 21:31
[…] a more detailed description of the book, we refer you to the previous post about the italian […]
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February 19, 2022 @ 20:23
[…] goal that rewards our commitment. Yes, dear readers, when a few days ago we saw our book “Quantum Physics for Beginners – according to Ammiocuggino” in second place overall in the “Physics” Category of the Italian Kindle Store, […]